The CattleWomen of San Luis Obispo County are a hardworking, fun loving, informed group of women working together to further the promotion of what they live and believe in – the beef industry.

Be informed of the latest legislative issues that affect the beef industry, ranch life, and join forces to have a voice in the legislative process. Be part of educating kids with Ag in the Classroom projects and the SLO Great Ag Venture. Socialize, collaborate, rope, and ride with women of all ages. Participate in projects that promote beef, while giving back to the community. Make a difference and join the San Luis Obispo County CattleWomen! You do not have to be a rancher or have cattle to join! If you love the industry as much as we do, please join us!

Membership is $40 per year, due by October 1st, which includes membership in the California CattleWomen.

Click to Become a Member

Send us an email at: if you would like more information! You do not need to own cattle or be a cattle rancher in order to be a member. If you love the industry, we would love to talk to you!