2024 Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons

Executive Officers

President - Nicole Nicholson Stainner

1st Vice President - Vicki Janssen

2nd Vice President - Lesa John

Secretary - Melody Fountain

Treasurer - Fran Tognazzini

Past President - Tracy Nicholson

Directors (terms expire at end of year)

2025 - Joanie Ketcham, Sarah Kramer, Pam McPherson

2026 - Ann Hansen, Suze Evenson, Susan Jones, Carla Young

2027-Susan Cochrane, Kathy Loftus, Chris Jennings

Standing Committees (One Chairperson from each committee can vote on Board)

Ag. Education - Ashley Crabtree

Ag. Task Force - Brandi Swain

Beef Promotion - Nicole Nicholson Stainner, Tracy Nicholson, Kathy Loftus

Animal Health - Susan Jones & Kathy Loftus

Fundraising - Carla Young, Elena Clark

Legislation - Anna Negranti

Membership - Lesa John & Fran Tognazzini

Scholarships - Pat Abel, Pam McPherson

Scrapbook - Grace Peek

Sunshine - Kathy Loftus


Special Committees (Chairperson does not have a vote on the Board)

Bylaws - Sarah Kramer

CattleWoman of the Year - Joanie Ketcham, Ann Hansen

Merchandising - Suze Evenson

Mid State Fair - Denise Stornetta, Tracy Nicholson

Nominating - Tracy Nicholson

Social Media - Nicole Nicholson Stainner, Kathy Loftus

Website & Newsletter - Nicole Nicholson Stainner